Participatory futures work 

The future will not just happen – it needs to be built, based on those thoughts and ideas people have now.

The clients of the Deaconess Foundation have valuable perspectives to the future, which often remain unheard. Through the Foresight Studios work, we collect these perspectives from our clients and people participating our activities and take them to decision-makers, more broadly to the Finnish dialogue for the future and also to the planning and development of the Deaconess Foundation’s own work.

The aim is for this work to extend the power to define futures (democratise futures) in Finland to a larger group of people.

The power to define futures refers to whose voice will be heard in discussions related to the future. “Dominant future perspectives influence what is seen as possible or desirable in the future. At the same time, they also affect the choices we make right now. Who has the opportunity to participate in creating future insights? We believe that everyone should have the right and the chance to do this.”

Comment by Sitra.

We pave the way!

In general, discussion on the future is reserved for those leading society. However, we need ideas from all elements of society to build a good and dignified future for all.


“It is impossible to ask these questions from all people, but we must make the voice of minority groups heard. The Future Workshop was a great experiment; I have not encountered this elsewhere. We were heard and the message was even forwarded. I hope that this work (Foresight Studios)will be fruitful and that it will go a long way.”

Client of opioid replacement therapy.

Foresight Studios

The Deaconess Foundation started Foresight Studios work in 2023. In spring 2023, the Deaconess Foundation collected ideas about the future through discussions with its clients and people participating in its activities. We had 21 discussions with 134 participants in total. Participants included young people, urban residents, (participants in the activities of D-Stations), older people, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with autism spectrum disorders and persons with severe disabilities, clients of opioid replacement therapy, persons with severe neurological impairments, young Roma people in Belarus, persons living in Kosovo who have experienced torture, and the Future Seekers group in Somaliland. The Deaconess Foundation’s own experts also produced signals. A total of 45 people participated in the two discussions held with the personnel.

In total, there were almost 200 participants, clients and personel in the pilot project in 2023.
The discussions were analyzed, summarised in a report, which is an interpretation of what kind of topics came up in the discussions and what they tell about the future. The future insights collected have been delivered to Finnish decision-makers and have also been used to support the Deaconess Foundation’s own work.

Future discussions and future workshops are organised annually with Deaconess Foundation’s participants, clients and personel, and an analysis and report will be made based on the discussions.


Why do we do this

There are a huge number of people in society who are not heard in these discussions due to their challenging life situation, mental health issues or disability, for example. However, competing – or alternative – future perspectives and views are vital to democracy: the future will not just happen – it needs to be built, based on those thoughts and ideas people have now.

We want to break the customary norms for discussions about the future by highlighting new kinds of future views created by those who are not usually heard in the mainstream discussions about the future.

In essence, it is a question of expanding the power to define futures

This concept refers to the power to define what is considered possible and desirable in the future, which is a form of exercising power in society. The power to define the future is cross-generational, because by making decisions and choosing values related to the future we expand the temporal dimension of our actions beyond our lifetime and towards those who do not exist yet.

The future is built every day, together. Please join us!