Support to youth

We have developed the free Vamos and Amigo services to
provide individual support and guidance to young people.

Effective support to youth throughout Finland

There are tens of thousands of young people who have dropped out of school and working life. Many struggle with loneliness, financial worries, mental health problems, or substance abuse. This is why we have developed the Vamos and Amigo services to provide individual support and guidance to young people.


Vamos helps 16–29 year-olds towards school and employment. This activity is voluntary and free of charge. At Vamos, priority is given to the needs of young people, young people are cared about, and work is carried out jointly with municipal and other actors. Young people at Vamos are allocated their own individual youth workers, who have the time to get to know them and their needs.

Vamos is run in eleven cities throughout Finland: Espoo, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Siilinjärvi, Tampere, Turku and Vantaa. Every year there are about 2 000 young people involved in Vamos.

Contact information

Leena Mannonen, Service Area Director
Tel. +358 504 387 850

Jenni Oliveira, Service Area Director
Tel. +358 504 121 400

Read more about Vamos (in Finnish)


Amigo is a service whereby young people aged between 16 and 29 can receive a mentor. Amigo mentors are trained adult volunteers, who meet with and supports their young mentees over the course of a year. At the meetings they discuss matters of interest to the young people: education, different professions, hobbies, and friends – or anything that the mentees have on their minds. The main thing is to spend an enjoyable time together.

Contact information

Deaconess Foundation, Amigo Services
Kuortaneenkatu 1, FI-00500 Helsinki, Finland

Sophia Bagans, Project Manager
Tel +358 50 436 7710

Read more about Amigo (in Finnish)
